Yoga Pravaha - Bhagavad Gita Karma Yoga

Arshabodhini conducted their 7th camp at Jnana Pravaha, Manjakkudi from 7th December to 10th December 2023. Even though they are regular visitors of the facilities, this time the 50 vidhyārthis that attended the camp were all new comers, many below the age of 40.
In this camp named "Yoga Pravaha", Guru Lavanya ji taught the 3rd Chapter of Gita, Karma Yoga. Her teaching was concise, clear and simple, enabling the vidhyārthis to take in the complete essence of the teaching.
The camp started with the inauguration function, where HH Swami Rameshvarananda Ji, Sri Srinivasan Ji and Sri Rajagopal Ji spoke a few words welcoming the new vidhyārthis. Swamiji, in his anugraha bhāshanam, gave a deep insight into the subject along with his experiences with His Guru, Pujya Swamiji.
Swamiji was also kind enough to have a question and answer session with the vidhyārthis, which was very well received by the vidhyārthis.
On the last day, during the feedback session, the vidhyārthis expressed their gratitude not only to the Guru but also the facility and the organisers, which enabled a smooth learning for them. Then, pooja was performed by the vidhyārthis to their Guru Lavanya Ji.