Tatva Pravaha- Vakya Vritti

Arsha Bodhini conducted a vedantic camp at Manjakudi, the birth place of Swami Dayananda Saraswathi in December 2021 on the text Vakya vritti. The camp was conducted for 5 days where Guru Lavanya Ji taught the text Vakya vritti. More than 50 vidhyarthis attended the camp and benefitted.
The camp was inaugurated by HH Swami Brahmayogananda Ji. After Gho Pooja and Medha Dakshinmurthy pooja, Swamiji gave Anugraha bhashyam and started the camp. At the end of the camp, Vanitha ji delivered a beautiful class summarizing all the Gita shlokas quoted in the explanation of the text by Guru Lavanya Ji.
Vakya vritti is a text by Adi Sankara, that analyses the Mahavakyam “Tat Tvam Asi” and how to interpret it. It is a technical text comprising 53 verses, carrying the core message of vedanta.