Vidya Pravaha - Kamalajadayidashtakam
In June 2022, ArshaBodhini held a 2 day camp at Bengaluru where Guru Lavanya Ji taught the camp attendees the detailed meaning of the stotram Kamalajadayidashtakam. Total of 45 people attended this camp, including a few locals from Bengaluru.
Kamalajadayidashtakam is a very important shloka for serious seekers of vedanta. It was written by Shringeri Peetathipathi Sri Sacchidananda Shivabhinava Nrisimha Bharathi Mahaswamiji. In simply 8 verses, Mahaswamiji praises Saraswathi Devi for all Her glories and requests Her for all the important qualifications required for sadhaka to gain Self knowledge like good health and mental qualifications.