Sathya Pravaha

In August 2022, Arshabodhini conducted Sathya Pravaha camp at Manjakudi. This was the 3rd camp for us at Manjakudi in a year. The facilities offered, food and the warm welcome from the team made the camp a great success.
The camp was inaugurated with a pooja for Dakshinamurthy swami, in the presence of Sri. Srinivasan Ji and HH Swami Rameshvarananda Ji. After their welcome address, the camp started. There were more than 45 people who attended the camp.
Guru Lavanya Ji taught the Aagama Prakaranam of Mandukya Upanishad with Goudapada Kaarika in this camp. Several sathsang sessions were held along with a meditation session by HH Swami Rameshvarananda Ji. He was also answering many questions from the vidhyarthis in a QnA session.