Sadhana Pravaha

Arshabodhini conducted their 4th camp at Gnana Pravaha facility at Manjakudi from 7th to 10th October 2022. The texts taught by Guru Lavanya Ji this time were Bhaja Govindam and Sadhana Panchakam.
After the pooja and inauguration event attended by Srinivasan Ji and Swami Rameshvarananda Ji, the camp started. On learning about the passing of Madam Sheela ji's mother, everyone observed a moment of silence as a token of their respect.
Every day, 5 classes were scheduled and both texts were completed successfully in 3 days. Around 40 vidhyarthis attended the camp and as special invitees, teachers from Dayananda School and Colleges attended. On the final day, there was a feedback session after which the felicitations took place. Ram ji thanked Swamiji and Rajagopal Ji for their constant support and hospitality. Heartfelt feedback was shared by vidhyarthis about the course, Guruji’s method of teaching and the facilities. The teachers who attended from Manjakudi also shared their happiness in their participation and how it was very useful for them.
Bhaja Govindam, a text that comes strongly criticising humans for their attachments to worldly things was well complemented by the text of Sadhana Panchakam, which shows us the way out of the cycle of samsara. Guru Lavanya Ji, brought out this contrast beautifully and in a simple manner.